Karavan igre
Nacionalna fondacija za umetničku igru i Beogradski festival igre, uz podršku Fondacije Art Mentor Lucern i Ministarstva državne uprave i lokalne samouprave Republike Srbije, otpočeli su u septembru 2017. godine realizaciju projekta Karavan igre. Programom je bilo obuhvaćeno 15 gradova u Srbiji, a reakcije publike su prevazišle očekivanja organizatora.
Zato je Fondacija Art Mentor podržala drugu ediciju ovog multidisciplinarnog projekta, koji ima za cilj da kroz različite aktivnosti približi klasičan balet i savremenu igru svim zainteresovanim učesnicima i posetiocima. Ukupno 10 gradova tokom 2019. i 2020. godine, domaćini su 2. Karavana igre.
Karavan igre je namenjen edukaciji i stipendiranju talenata. To je projekat koji uključuje sasvim novu publiku u praćenje baleta i savremene igre, i istovremeno podstiče lokalne organizacije da razvijaju produkcionu mrežu i postave temelje kreativnih industrija, posmatrajući kulturnu ponudu kao vredan turistički potencijal. Kroz intenzivne programe Karavana igre, sagledava se nivo interesovanja publike, mogućnost daljeg uključivanja talentovane dece u različite obrazovne programe, kao i tehnički kapaciteti za uspostavljanje domaćih i inostranih gostovanja.
Program Karavana igre obuhvata izložbe, filmski program, prezentacije, predstave i gala koncerte u izvođenju prvaka i solista baleta, ali i učenika baletskih škola iz Beograda i Rima. Karavan igre donosi kurseve baleta, savremene igre, hip hopa i brejk densa za sve generacije, koji se završavaju otvorenim prezentacijama.
Za ostvarivanje ovog projekta, Nacionalna fondacija za umetničku igru koristiti veliki deo sopstvenih resursa, od filmskog i fotografskog arhiva, do angažmana profesionalaca različitih zanimanja, odnosno brojnih igrača, koreografa, pedagoga, korepetitora, istoričara igre, kompozitora, baletskih kritičara, učenika baletskih škola… Svi programi su za publiku besplatni, a cilj je da planirane aktivnosti u svakom gradu okupe posetioce i učesnike svih generacija.

National Foundation for Dance and Belgrade Dance Festival, with the support of Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne and the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia, started the realization of the Dance Caravan project in September 2017. The program was presented in 15 cities in Serbia, and the reactions of the audience exceeded the expectations of the organizers.
That is why the Art Mentor Foundation supported the second edition of this multidisciplinary project, which aims to bring classical ballet and contemporary dance closer to all interested participants and visitors through various activities. A total of 10 cities during 2019 and 2020 hosts the 2nd edition of Dance Caravan.
Dance Caravan is intended for education and scholarship of talents. It is a project that involves a whole new audience in following ballet and contemporary dance, and at the same time encourages local organizations to develop a production network and lay the foundations of creative industries, viewing the cultural offer as a valuable tourist potential. Through the intensive programs of Dance Caravan, the level of interest of the audience, the possibility of further inclusion of talented children in various educational programs, as well as technical capacities for the establishment of domestic and foreign guest appearances are considered.
The program of Dance Caravan includes exhibitions, film program, presentations, performances and gala concerts performed by ballet professionals, but also students of ballet schools from Serbia and Italy. Dance Caravan brings ballet, contemporary dance, hip hop and break dance workshops for all generations, which end with open presentations.
To realize this project, National Foundation Dance uses a large part of its own resources, from film and photo archives, to the engagement of professionals of various professions, numerous dancers, choreographers, pedagogues, accompanists, dance historians, composers, ballet critics, ballet school students… All the programs are free for the audience, and the goal is for the planned activities in each city to gather visitors and participants of all generations.